Sunday, August 30, 2009

A small update.

So I´ve finally decided to take the time to work on a layout exclusive to this blog, and I´ve finished it. c: Only a header image needed now...


Monday, August 3, 2009

Give us more time to feel this way...

When trouble comes and they are forced apart, the best thing to do is use all the time they can.

Unless you're planning to break the rules ;P

Awake, by Josh Groban



Sunday, August 2, 2009

I will show you what I can be...

Being Savin' Me by Nickelback probably one of my favorite songs (and so very like them), I decided to make this my second AMV :)



Our funny friendship...

Before they got together, Naruto and Gaara already shared a bond that was quite unusual, quite tender, quite profound.

I took Sting's song from the movie "Emperor's New Groove" and made it THEIR song too :)




Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Master List of the Written Works

List of all the written works done by us:

Such fancy names :3

It will be updated whenever a new AU or other canon story is updated as well :)

MEOH Series:

- Main Plotline (Paula): I1 The One With All The Celebrations (link)
- I Love You (drabbles/Paula): Naruto misses Gaara (link), Gaara misses Naruto (link), Kazekage's Mental Journal Update (link), I made you a cookie but I eated it (link), My Home (link), Biology (link), Lobster (link), Forbidden (link), To Love And To Be Loved (link)
- Outtakes (Paula): Swimming Lessons (link), Awakenings (link)
- Life In Technicolor (drabbles/Catarina): Morning Birds (link)

MEOH Studies:

- Innocent Parties? Yeah Right... (oneshot/Paula/ANBU Parties): (link)
- Moonlit Killing (oneshot/Paula/Gaara and Shukaku): (link)
- Happy Birthday For The Kazekage (oneshot/Paula/Sand Siblings): (link)

AU/Other Cannon Series:

- Paper Notes (multi-chaptered/Catarina):
- Trains (multi-chaptered/Paula): (link)
- Valentine's Is For... Pranking? (oneshot/Paula): (link)
- How To Like My Bed Better (drabble/Paula): (link)
- While The Earth Sleeps (multi-chaptered/Paula): (link)

Morning Birds

Naruto's thoughts on his relationship with Gaara.



«If I could sleep forever…»


The sun had set a long time ago.

As the time of that night slowly ran out, little telltale signs of the threatening rays of sun on the horizon were becoming progressively more present, not much alike the ghost they had been not long ago. The pink light invading the sky, small groups of tiny, blue birds flying around the still in-slumber houses and homes, letting out their morning songs, all of them told whoever was awake at that time and had the mind to decipher the message, “The morning will arrive soon.”

It was in times like those that he truly wanted to slow down, inject his heart with a touch of mellow peace, set his breathing to the slow movements of the shadows in the bedroom, half lit in that morning dream because someone had been too careless to properly shut the window panes.

Those times he wasn’t the he people were used to see and know, except for himself and that one figure still asleep by his side. But perhaps, that was the true face, one too deep to be seen by anyone.

He liked the peace that came with those moments.

He didn’t even know how to name it. He didn’t quite know how to define it. It was something similar to a dream-like atmosphere that could only be set in those moments lost in the whispers of the previous night and the warmth he so loved, that feeling of belonging in someone else’s heart and in return keeping a neat patch for that loved one – who wasn’t like a loved one, but more an extension of his own being, one that was perfect where he was imperfect.

And only that made him happy.

Well, maybe many things were enough to make him happy and think, “This world is worth the ride”, but that one thing made him especially happy. People told him he was just being silly, with a smile of one who knows something that might end up unlike the dreams he kept, yet smiling because at that moment he was happy. He knew they were hiding something and he had an idea of what that might be. However, he knew they didn’t have bad intentions, just the fear of spoiling such beautiful fact of life.

Ah, how he knew that so well. He feared it, not only because he had lived it once – and cried for it tears he wished would never exist – but not even the ghost, the horizon in each one of them would eventually be alone, was enough to make him go back in that decision.

Maybe because he knew better than them all.

He wasn’t intelligent and he wasn’t smart, but his life and the experiences that came with it gave him wisdom. He knew that for someone who lead a life like his, those small moments of peace were worth all the effort, all the fighting, all the sweat and the pain and the wounds, eventually love would find a way to kiss those simple problems away.

And that dream that was real was worth any nightmare and any scar on the wall, four lines and another one across them, for the days without the Yang to his Yin. Days spent living without that one person, days that he was sure to remember so he could later share them.

And it was in those moments where he found the plenitude that was the remedy to his overdose of life, when he watched him sleep, when he could listen to the soft sound of his chest slowly rising and with a calm mirroring that pace, lowering again. It was the rhythm of the life by his side, so it was the rhythm of his life as well.

He had to be a saint to refrain himself from reaching out a hand, a nimble hand at those times and caressing the porcelain make-believe skin that was already merging with his, curling the vermillion curled locks of his hair, that looked so lovely in that pink light – making Naruto wonder who was the idiot who said red didn’t look good in pink – and then brushing them off of the sleeping face, lightly circling his dark rings around his eyes and placing a soft kiss, so soft that there would be no remaining sensation in his skin, so soft it could only be an illusion, in the red scarred traces that said love.

He liked his presence close to him. He worshipped his existence and loved his soul and body. He felt as if it was only natural, slowly – not to wake him up – getting even closer to him, feeling more of his skin, and then standing still in an attempt to merge those two bodies as one.

Saffron to vermillion, honey to ivory, cerulean to jade, body to body, skin to skin, soul to soul, Naruto to Gaara, love to love. And that made him fulfilled.

And then he would smile and stare at him, because tomorrow would be a new day and a new succession of days without him. And he would think – lightly, because he knew that wasn’t his strength – about his luck.

And to think that once that chest was to stop his rising and lowering and cut his life and his world, but not the meaning of that five lettered word. To think about the tears he had shed for him, tears that weren’t water, tears that were silent prayers to nothing in special, but maybe to Time and Life. Those were tears that had a mantra, “Save him, I love him.”

When he really considered that entire situation, later, when he was – a little – more matured, he realized how deep his feelings went. He wondered, how he would react if he knew what he did for him. He wondered, what his reaction would be if he knew the callings of his name, the embraces of his cold, lifeless form, the rest of his existence, the tears blown with the wind and the sting in his heart threatening to destroy it at any moment at the lightest of provocations, because it was so weak.

Thinking about it, he had to lose him to know how deep he was seeded in his heart. When he died, that was love, it was the time his subconscious – the wisest part of him – let everyone but the ones who should actually know that it was love, the love that only came to the surface at watching him die.

And a second chance was granted. He fought for it and it was graciously handed to him, and he took it with care and decided to make it worth.

How lucky he was to feel that chest rising and lowering.

And he would shake those thoughts out of his head, to keep them from corrupting that otherwise perfect scene. And he would open his eyes again and smile and place a kiss on his skin once again.

Even if he was as soft as he knew he was, it was by then that the one so close to him would let him know for sure that he had been awake for all that time being, in silence, feeling every of the blonde’s innocent and caring ministrations, loving all the love was being given to him. He would open his eyes and pierce his with a still sleepy smile.

“Good morning,” he would say if those words weren’t useless and if they weren’t the premonition of something sad.

If the morning came that meant he would have to leave him and go away, go away a long distance until he arrived at his other home, one in the desert. That was part of the way things were, neither of them could be able to enjoy the caring love from their second home for a long time. The distance was unforgiving, three cursed days apart.

The still half sleeping warm body by his side would shift a bit, without much noise, and stretch his bony limbs, enjoying that moment just like the blonde had been until then, ignoring the now lit sky and the cheerful chirping of the birds, clearly getting loud.

However, there was always time for just one more sweet caress, one more hair ruffling with sleepy hands, one more whisper and one more kiss as outside the sun used its radiant rays to lift itself to the sky, the omen for a bright, sunny day. Something in the air told them it wouldn’t be that bright for the two of them…

There was always something to be done about it. He knew he could grab his clothing and throw them to the balcony, sure that the neighbor’s cat would shred the prized clothing of the desert man. The both of them knew that there was always something that could be done, but they knew better as well, they knew that eventually the world would come knocking on the door and the desert winds would start blowing in the direction of that forested city, calling like a chant for their leader. So under a silent agreement they always knew their remaining time was to be spent in that heart-warming embrace.

Then would come the moment of a quick shower and helping each other with the loving task of keeping a warm temperature and getting dry in the midst of laughter and ruffled hair. Helping with the setting of a leg ring here, each buckle the right way, a long strap across a shoulder and a large gourd attached to it on the back, a scarf around the shoulders, all covering places and red marks that were for no one but them.

And then, still too early to see people around in the streets, a long walk in silence that was the freeway of a communication hand in hand until reaching a large door. A large door that could change a lot in their consideration, depending on the side where they were, right side outside, wrong side inside. There wouldn’t be a grand gesture of goodbye, just a long consumption of the sight of each other and then the sound of footsteps taken by someone fragile without him.

He would feel desperately broken inside, so broken he would begin fearing that if he reached out a hand to stop him, he would break in one thousand and one shards, so broken and lost and fragile that no sound would come from his half opened mouth.

Maybe he would still be able to see him and talk to him that time in his dreams.

It was always like that, so once again, he knew that it would be like that, and he was sure to breathe in all of the other while he could, memorizing every tiny smile that might have been an illusion and the touch and the barely there smell of cinnamon and spice.

One day, one day that ritual wouldn’t be needed at all.

One day, he wouldn’t have to endure that repetitive process of being heart-broken and then healed again, always the same. Always for the sake of that undying love, the birth and death and then rebirth once again of that affection that seemed to give them both strength and weakness. For he knew eventually the circle would close again and one of the two chests would stop moving and the other would apply strength on it for the both. He knew that that joining and parting of their lines was always a part of it, a small sacrifice for their happiness.

He would always choose having him for one night over never being able to feel his warmth like that.

Someday, he would be able to transform one night of those into forever. That was his dream that would become a reality.

He knew it, he simply knew it.


«…Would you still be in my dreams?»

To Love And To Be Loved

A sneek peak into Gaara's head at a moment of peace :)



Sometimes when we are at your house at night, after one other night spent sleeplessly and inside a bubble of sweet lust, after a morning of lazyness and an afternoon filled with walks and glutton meals, I like sitting on your couch in an overwhelming harmony and have you this close, while the movie you chose to rent this time runs its plot by the old television.

If already naturally horror movies have no effect on me, then inside the shelter of amber, sun, blue and whiskers that surrounds me even less. You're the one to worry me, the spirits that torment the young lady trapped inside the television seem to be hurting you too, proof of that is the tremor I feel all around me, coming from you and your irrational fear. In lack of better remedy, I smile discrete and somewhat perversely. If I will take anything good from this, it'll be the fact that this night will be spent sleeplessly as well: after all I will have a small fox to calm down and please. I want to protect you from all that upsets you, even if what upsets you are fictional ghouls.

However, before these previsions become reality, right after the end of the movie, there is something you do to me that no longer surprises me but that will always melt my heart to caramel. Slow but progressively, the weight of your body is no longer all around me to be set right on top of me, and in the same needy way your arms pull me to you, your head finds rest over the stoic beating of my heart and your lips murmur these simple words: "Ghosts are coming to take me. Cuddle with me, protect me..."

And suddenly all of me reacts with an emotion I cannot define, all of me lives to satisfy that simple wish.

But, really, the explanation of this phenomenon is actually quite simple...

One thing is for me to want to protect you and care for you, one completely different thing is for you to want me to protect you and care for you. I've always known that I wanted to be loved, I've always thought the biggest prize from what we have would be that same love I'd get from you. But I was wrong...

It is a great prize, do not get me wrong, but there is another just as great as that one...

It's to know that you long for every touch of my fingers over the wheat fields of your hair, that you tremble with every kiss I lay upon the smirk of your lips, that you fantasize over each felt word with which I invade your senses.

It's to know that you will miss me even before the moment I cross that door to leave, to know that you trust me to return and resume the honorable task of always keeping you happy and satisfied, to know that I can always touch you, talk to you, love you, because you will always be hoping for more from me...

More than knowing that I am loved, it is to know that my love is what you want the most, it is to know that all that I am is worth so much to the person who saved my life in so many ways... (including the literal one)

Am I sadistic for thinking like this, for being so happy over the power I have on you? All my life I dreamt of something like this, so I apologize if I am, because I do not regret it, nor is your trust misplaced...

I protect you from the ghosts of this cruel world, because that mission was only on me placed and because I would not want anyone else to have it but me...

You know how I feel, as I squeeze you in my arms, I can tell, by the peace in your face, the bliss in your lips.

And I know how you feel, now it is so clear to me...

We will be like this forever, I am sure of that...

The unhappiness in our lives is over, the crisis after crisis.

I love and am loved, fuck all rest.


In all humans there is a moment of doubt, difficult decisions to be made...

... but can be overcome.

Who Wants To Live Forever - Breaking Banjamin (but cut out the last sentence)



Having returned home, tears cover his face, but the moist trail is endless, for new salted drops quickly succeed it.

His back rests with incredible tiredness against the door behind him, closing it, and all his body finally gives in to the emptiness, to complete and ultimate surrendal.

Sometimes it's so difficult to fight...

So difficult to go on holding hands with him when the eyes of the world stare at them with desdain, so difficult to belive happiness will survive so many stabs when one more is dealt to it, so difficult to keep the heart intact when it stumbles through the entire path...

Sitting on the floor, his eyes abundantly bleed their ocean. He cannot take that struggle anymore, but the goodbye between them wrecked him.

If he at least couldn't feel each forbidden kiss dance across his skin, each sweet whisper taunting his ears, each happy promise blinding his sight, maybe he could tear all that vain hope from his heart and carry on... Maybe he could start over...

But no... Love (and for a brief moment, it almost looks like the ghost of a smile slides among his tears, the memory of that word) has fused with him like the air he breathees, and all love, even the forbidden like his, it's just like that: the sickness and its ineffective medicine, the sadness and its preserverance, the pain and the hope that it'll end.

But this pain won't end. And love only makes it more intense.

Why do we fall in love with such conviction with who we can't? And why has that person to fall in love with us too? There are so many people feeling such innocent love and they never see it coming to life, why not give this love to them? Why does this false forbidden love feel so real and right?

Listen to your heart, wise people say. But the heart speaks the opposite of all rest. But the heart is made of matter superior to them...

Surrendering is so tempting, but it hurts so much...

Maybe... fight a bit more...

There's no real surrendal in any love.

And even if victory is just one single moment of love, it's already worth a whole life of surrendal...

He stands up and walks out, the crying is over. It's not too late to go on fighting.

Let me see you stripped down to the bone...

Intermission from Kage duties for the win :3

Stripped - Depeche Mode/Shiny Toy Guns




It started as a small narration I did to my sister. Then, it became another drabble :D



I needed a romantic context to approach you, at least one that was more original than the ones I have been using and, innocently, I came to the person who was the least adequate to advise me in that. I know that Sasuke has been more agreeable and amiable since he returned, but even so I should have known better...

Very diligently, he told me that lovers tend to be more worried and loving when their partner is with some sort of health problem. For example, if I were to get a huge sunburn, it would be very likely that you would want to spread cream all over my body and, unfortunately, the idea was too tempting since the very beginning, and I saw myself making an extraordinarely excentric plan work...

My skin is not very white, to burn it under the influence of the sun was a difficult task, more difficult than it would be to you (besides, many times already have I wondered how your skin isn't always sunburnt, victim of the desert light). But I executed this mission with such perfection that all the surface of my body became a painful and red film, that cracked and hurt everytime I moved, and it was with a lot of effort that I was able to reach you.

But one single fact was enough to render all my plan useless. Looking at you through a grimace of discomfort, I saw that your pose, expression and movements were somewhat altered too, and that your skin shone with the crimson force of a fire. You too had gotten a sunburn, a huge sunburn that affected you whole.

Of course Sasuke's words were correct. As soon as we realized the state we were in, we ran to each other and our voices showed our worries and care, but there was nothing we could do: just moving hurt, it would hurt even more the simple (even if) loving touch we'd share.

Now we suffer the effects of the cream, yes. But we weren't the ones to apply it on each other, no. There's a wicked glint on Sasuke's eyes and grin as he rubs our skins almost with pleasure, after all this was his secret plan.

I look at you. Your blushed and ivory skin enchants me alone. What a cruel torture! To have you all covered in cream and delicious, so close to me yet so far from my touch!

Your violence is beautiful and your center sweet...

They can stay together, until the time comes for one of them to leave.

This time, Gaara wants to say goodbye before leaving for the Sand...

Sunsets and Car Crashes by The Spill Canvas.




My first art-and-words collaboration with my sister, she did the sketch first and then I wrote the drabble...

Combining two of my loves: biology and GaaNaru :)




It all comes down to biology, really. To symbiosis. To synergy.

It's all as simple as planned, the reactions (mine and yours) quickly succeed with harmony in mind, perfection, stability in this world so hostile.

It started when you saw I was just like you, when you realized we had been delivered to the same unfriendly environment and had been sculped by the same painful stimuli.

It went on when you saw that, even being the same, I was different from you, when you noticed that pain had marked me with madness while it tore an eternal smile on your lips, and you knew that something wrong had happened to me.

It had its greatest challenge when it was clear to you that our equity allied to our difference would make us unbeatable before hostility, when you decided to fight to correct my diverging from you and wrong evolution, when you finally succeeded in putting me in the right path: by your side, guided by your overwhelming light.

Now, it constantly conquers victory after victory, while we keep on learning all the little but wonderful advantages of being together, as you keep lending me your smile while I deliver all my strength to you, making us strong enough before a world that looks at us and sees just monsters in us.

We are symbiosis, because each of us has just half of a perfect heart, because we are now obligated to be this close even to just think about happiness, calm, harmony.

We are synergy, because although each one of us has his own and admirable strength, when these are combined they become more fantastic than just their rigorous and mathematical sum, they overcome all its boundaries.

We are biology, because every time you come close and press the stimuli of a million light and soft smiles with your lips upon my cheek my blood runs to it and paints it vermillion, gathers all the love and tenderness you have given me with that so simple gesture (as if they were molecules of the precious oxygen) and spreads it all over my body, floods me with a happiness I had never felt, that makes me see that we belong together, that makes me know that I'll always be an essential presence by your side, your love has already become a fundamental ingredient for my survival.

Above all, we are a force of Nature, you and me together. So lost, shy and vulnerable apart. So happy together.

Candle Lit Valentine's Day

After spending a few months without the other, celebrating Valentine's Day properly becomes a priority.

Gaara arrives at Naruto's home and is greeted with a surprise :D



Never Let Go...

This is not very related to Swimming Lessons, though the theme is the same...

It has more to do with Josh Groban's song by the same name.



My home

This pairing is so poetic it makes me go methaphorical all over the place :P

Here's when Gaara compared Naruto to a house.



So you want me to talk to you about my home.


From here, in the outside, you can see I have painted the walls with kisses after the sun left its mark on them too, tanned, warm and beautiful. You can also see the windows not of glass but of solid sapphire, glistening and taking all of my attention in, magical windows through which I can find a solution for all that is wrong in my life. If you look up you can see the roof made of strong golden straw, I know it is all desorganized and messy, but I actually love it like that, it always gives me an excuse to keep on combing it, arranging it. Those scratches upon the walls, you say? I never knew exactly what those were, but they don't look bad at all.

Note that there are no vines covering all of the walls. Since I wasn't expecting any visitors today, I already ripped them, I find the green smothers the wall's beauty.

If you follow me, I'll take you inside, which isn't difficult for the door is always unlocked, open for anyone looking for a shelter, like I was such a long time ago. Inside there is only one empty room, but in this home I can find everything to satisfy my every need, these walls protect me and embrace me, take care of me like a heart, and in this heart I feel like nothing could go wrong, and I can almost hear my own home chuckle as it envelops me in this bliss.

Sometimes there are other people here beside me, but they soon leave, and I prefer it like this, I love having all this home's attention to myself, and I can feel its contentment when I'm here alone as well. It's been far too long since I could relish in this feeling of belonging, too long since I was spoiled like this...

With this, I have nothing else to say about my home, so I'll ask you politely to leave.

I've been wandering homeless far too long in a house very far away. Now I'm returning home away from any house and I just want to fall forever in this haven.

Too bad I'll have to leave soon, an erratic traveller... But I'll always come back here, to my blond-roofed, tanned-walled, blue-windowed, warm-hearted home...

Will I always be here?....

I always imagined Gaara being very innocent, very platonic about love. Even when he is with Naruto now, the feeling overcomes the passion...

However, Gaara on his own, even without trying, even without knowing, is as lustful and, well, hot, as anyone can get, making Naruto plainly surrender to him.

I tried to represent this through this picture, what happens in Gaara's room through Naruto's eyes, inspired by one of the sexiest songs I've ever heard: In Your Room, by Depeche Mode (the songs we use can be found on the playlist on the sidebar :P).



I made you a cookie but I eated it...

I know that Gaara is not supposed to like cookies, but I couldn't resist :P



I heard you were coming to the Leaf, so I wanted to make something nice to you.

I decided to bake you some cookies, since I know you love them, and we could share them too, unlike that tongue thing you like.

It wasn't such a good idea, because I had no idea how to do it in the middle of this shrine to ramen and the kitchen ended up all messy...

When I eventually got the hang of it, after many, many tries, they were ready, warm and smelled delicious, and looked completely irresistible, so, unable to try just one, I ate them all...

I am really sorry, but if it serves any good, they tasted really good... But that only makes me feel even more guilty...

Now you have arrived to this mess, and I have no presents for you...

I tell you that I made you some cookies but I eated them, and I apologize, but all you do is show me that wonderful half-smile half-chuckle that reminds me everytime why I love you so much.

All of a sudden, your mouth is my own and I remember for how long I haven't relished in your, no, our flavor.

The remains of the cookies are still there, and you tell me they certainly taste much better in their new plate.

How could I disagree, when I ended up giving you both the cookies and the tongue, and enjoying them just as much as you did?

Meet me after dark again and I'll hold you...

Keeping a relationship a secret has its challenges and frustrations.

Passing notes during Kage meetings should be exciting, when your mind is flooded with naughty images and thoughts...

To Evanescence's Before the Dawn (it seems I only listen to Evanescence songs you cannot find on albums :P)



The Kazekage's Mental Journal Updates

With quite an interesting turn of events, I must say :P



Dear readers of Lord Kazekage's mental journal,

I'm sorry to inform you that today Gaara of the Desert won't make an update. Naruto Uzumaki has just arrived at the Sand Village, and Lord Kazekage says he'd rather use this time to go live his feelings than to write about them. If it serves as some sort of compensation, the two of them do seem particularly eager to meet and be together, so it should be a pleasant experience. I will now ask you to leave and return some other day, perhaps tomorrow, when this part of our leader's mind is working better and without floods of R-rated stimuli. My apologies for any inconvenience.

Yours truly

Gaara's Mental Journal

This body... holding me...

It's not everytime you have a favorite band that does so much for your favorite character (in your head), and it's even rarer when their songs even work well for both the character and the character PLUS his lover.

Gaara must have had the big habit of meditating when he couldn't sleep. Now, Naruto rediscovers said ritual with him to Tool's Parabol(a) :P



My deepest hopes...

"Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes,
What's your fantasy?"

Secondhand Serenade - "Your Call"

Very, very old picture, but I thought I could share.



Monday, July 27, 2009

The completion of the "Naruto, Make Gaara Happy" project

Not completely related to the blog, so only a link is offered :)

Still, enjoy!


Go see it here

Like the stars we burn away the miles...

After hiding for so long, it feels good to be free...

Set to t.A.T.u.'s song "Stars".

Quite an old picture, and of course nothing compared to the works you'll see my sister do :P



Gaara misses Naruto

A companion drabble to "Naruto misses Gaara". Because they miss each other mutually :P



I never had the will to follow a drunk man's random steps, but then again there's nothing young in their walk.

I never felt my heart smiling at the laughter of a child, but then again their voice is too acute.

I never felt the urge to savor a drop of honey, but then again its flavor is so sweet and not salty (although its color is perfect).

I never felt complete while looking at this scorching sky, but then again this shade of blue is not enough.

I never liked the orange of this sunset much, but then again I could never unzip it and reveal something even more beautiful beneath it.

I never had the desire to comb this golden sand, but then again it feels so rough and withered to the touch.

I never felt interest in caressing the whiskers of a cat, but then again it's not really whiskers that I seek (actually, what really are those?)

I never wanted to touch the fire that heats this desert night, but then again it's pleasure and not pain that I expect from a person's fire.

I never knew so many parts of you were all around me, but all scattered, dead and imcomplete, they are not you.

The desert where I live has no life. You are life, yours and mine.

First chapter for the main storyline

After so many months brewing, here it is :)

The story that connects all dots here, and here is the first chapter to "Naruto and Gaara, Make Each Other Happy" (MEOH)





It was with immense amusement but no surprise that Gaara of the Desert received that not-so-very formal invitation from the newest Hokage. Amusement, because he could not control how his insides (and, eventually, his lips) looped in a grin at the wonderful news. No surprise, because he had known, right from the moment he was convinced by him of so many new realities, that Naruto Uzumaki would become the Village Hidden in the Leaves’ next (and best) Hokage (ever).

With these points known, the acceptance of the invitation for his nomination ceremony was immediate from the Kazekage’s part and, before the brave and fearless Takamaru (the best message-carrier falcon the Sand Village had ever had) could even rest after such a long ride, he was sent back through wind, river and fire once more, carrying Gaara’s just as not-so-very formal yes.

The redhead’s preparations for his departure were quick and efficient and, by his non-discussable order, so were his siblings’ and escorts’. Naruto, in the condition of his best friend (a title well-earned after the many experiences following Madara Uchiha’s defeat, Sasuke’s return and a very special mission), had personally requested him to be in Leaf at least one day before his nomination ceremony, to help him and guide him through all formalities, even though Gaara had been pretty much at lost when he had to go through the same himself. The Kazekage did not refuse the blond of his company though, he too would have appreciated the other’s presence at the time: even if both were unknowing of what to do, just the company of someone who was a perfect mirror of ourselves was more than enough to make us feel like we belonged.

With uncountable necessary (and some of them unnecessary) contraptions strapped to his travelling robes and gourd (being the quite unfashionable Kage hat the most superfluous of all), Gaara left his village with two very displeased Kankurou and Temari (who were his escorts as well), just a tad bothered that their departure had to be so rushed. They had truly been quite grateful of Naruto’s influence in their little brother’s life throughout the years, but it seemed that, as for late, maybe that influence made him act a bit too impatiently, or obsessively. There was no time (or place) to object, though, as they progressed all too quickly through the (fortunately) calm desert.

Their journey towards the forested Land of Fire actually took half a day less to make under those circumstances, since the Kazekage didn’t feel much need to sleep with that overwhelming dose of excitement running through him (not only because Naruto had fulfilled his long-dreamt dream but also because he was, as a consequence, seeing him again), making the trio stop only when Gaara’s siblings complained too much for him to ignore their pleas or his reason beat his heart for a few seconds and made him realize that he too needed some resting sometimes.

Even so, Naruto seemed to have guessed that his Kazekage friend would want to fulfill his guarantee of presence in record time, for he was already standing by the gigantic red gates of his village as the sand siblings arrived, wearing his usually eye-damaging orange clothes (after all, the official ceremony would only take place on the following day and only then would he test his Kage robes) and the most thrilled friendly grin Gaara had seen in his life.

For quite some time now, Naruto and Gaara’s greetings would go as follows: as soon as the line of the horizon rose and took the shape of their silhouette, the two of them would stop pretending they weren’t dying to see each other again (as if they were doing a good job at that anyway…) and would speed up their step (or start walking) towards the other, colliding somewhere in the middle with an embrace of variable strength (which depended both on how faint the ghost of the previous embrace was in their care-deprived arms and on which motives led to their encounter), with light chuckles and polite (yet quite personal) hellos. Then the blond would do one thing of which neither of them spoke but felt important to do: kindly brushing aside the (increasing) locks of vermillion hair covering the love-shaped scar, he would replace them with his own lips, humming in approval as the warmth from the redhead invaded him, assuring him that Gaara was alive and healthy, never again lifelessly cold or endangered.

They had gone past their just-an-handshake phase immediately after their first one, when Naruto understood Gaara wouldn’t crumble beneath him if he touched him and realized this was one friend he would never mind having this close, close enough that he would be embarrassed if it were anyone else. But that did not surprise them: both were eternally grateful towards the other due to the many joys mutually granted over the years, and it seemed that Naruto becoming Hokage was one more to be added to the list…

Well, considering the present situation, that day’s embrace was remarkably strong, strong enough for Naruto to squeeze Gaara quite tightly against him and even lift his lesser weight off the Kazekage’s feet in his joy. Kankurou and Temari (and the other escorts as well) suddenly felt like they should be somewhere else, wishing the two quite embarrassing friends would remember they were not alone, exchanging bothered looks and then slapping their foreheads with their hands.

“You sneaky sandman!” was Naruto’s polite hello for the day as Gaara returned from his airborne experience. They still hadn’t let go, though. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Grandma Tsunade told me it was you, this entire Hokage thing, it’s because of you!” The blond’s grin widened, if that was even possible, when he eyed the Kazekage.

The redhead knew exactly what his friend was asking about. After their last mission together, one that involved breaking up a terrorist group about to threaten the new-found peace of the Ninja World and was a success (in many, many ways, including bringing the two of them closer), Tsunade had requested a conversation with him in private and asked him if he thought Naruto was ready to accomplish his dream already. Gaara’s answer was a very honest and elaborate yes, based upon the experience from the mission and from all other events before it, which made the woman smirk.

She had gained her title back when she recovered after Madara’s (and Danzo’s) defeat, but she couldn’t ignore the time passing by her anymore, and it was probably the moment to choose a new leader for the village, a revolutionary one to match the drastic changes that had been happening. Tsunade had accepted Gaara’s reply and added, quite mischievously, that, in the light of his words, perhaps the Kazekage would have to return to Leaf very soon, to take part in a celebration… That had been about a year ago.

Reminded of that event, Gaara grinned back at Naruto (even though his lips could not possibly convey the same brightness) and presented his defense, “I merely spoke the truth. Lady Tsunade would do it anyway. Everyone knows you have been prepared for this for quite some time now, especially considering you ARE the Fourth Hokage’s son. And…” at this point, the redhead’s smile gained somewhat of the wild edge from his younger days, “… I did not tell you at the time, because I did not want to miss that look in your face now.”

A very fair point.

Naruto squeezed his friend once more instead of failing at wording his emotions and then, after finally letting go, he did notice all others, offering another cheeky grin as he waved at Gaara’s siblings.

“Hey there, Kankurou, Temari!” The blond made sure to learn their names after their last awkward encounter. “You do look tired…” he side-glanced at Gaara at that, suspecting his responsibility in the matter. “Let’s all go inside, Grandma Tsunade has prepared you all some rooms!”

And the Sand nins, carrying scrolls, a gigantic fan and other weapons, passed by the two of them, some of them whispering sincere “thank you”s at the prospect of a proper night of sleep, the sand siblings themselves muttering annoyed “finally they noticed us…”s. An orange and red aura already crowned the green forest around them, signing sunset, and the orange and red friends faced each other again when the others left.

“Anyway, you’ll be staying with me, right?” Naruto asked, beckoning Gaara to follow him inside, their steps taking them to his apartment. “I have so much to tell you, so many ideas to get me started! And you know there’s no one best to hear me than the Kazekage himself AND my best friend…”

“Of course,” Gaara merely replied, but the light in his face spoke enough for his gratitude, the warmth in his heart appreciated the blond’s words all too much, even if the spot of being his best friend was shared with a character he was not all that fond of.

As they walked home, the redhead couldn’t avoid marveling at the amazing work everyone had done while rebuilding the Leaf Village, not only practically copying what it was before but also making it feel more alive, happily chaotic and thriving, a place that inhaled worries and exhaled peace. Many people passed by them and greeted the both of them, in respect for the Kazekage and in anticipation for Naruto’s nomination ceremony the following day. The blond was visibly thrilled with that, not at all containing himself as he trembled with excitement, breathed in shudders.

Even Naruto’s house, when they arrived there, stood mostly the same (though the whiskered man cheated considerably during the construction process and had it built a tad closer to the new, and improved, Ichiraku’s Ramen), it still felt like home as the two of them entered it.

Because Gaara was now showing his tiredness (he was finally living the purpose of his journey, and one’s body tends to sigh in relief when such happens), Naruto decided against them talking on his balcony (as was their habit) and just pushed an extra mattress into his bedroom, having forced Gaara to lay on his own bed before he ran off to make them both instant-ramen-dinner and slumped onto the extra mattress, slurping down the boiling noodles as he watched the redhead fiddling curiously with his. How Naruto managed to also put on his loveable orange t-shirt-and-shorts pajamas (highly appropriate for a man in his early twenties) in the meanwhile was beyond Gaara.

After the redhead himself dined, he changed his own clothes for his black pajamas, both the t-shirt and the pants large enough to have belonged to Kankurou before. The blond then watched him pleasingly snuggling against the bed covers, with such contentment that made Naruto warmly smirk at the sight. What a surprise, Gaara loved sleeping, finally using his (or any) bed… The surprising part was on how much he showed that love, how pleased he looked as his slender frame molded against the fabric and the cushioned material.

Naruto had to smile at that, at the adorability of the situation, while he too spread over his improvised bed.

The rest of the night was spent in lazy conversation and, finally, peaceful sleeping, which was usual with them, even when they were in the balcony and sharing the same mattress (on those times, Naruto was the cover against which Gaara snuggled).

However, Naruto did most of the dreamy talking that time. Gaara listened with the shadow of a sleepy smirk as the future Hokage shared with him his most immediate wishes, changes he’d install in the village as soon as he got the hat, and it was with immense pride that the Kazekage realized that not one of those ideas had anything to do with ramen, other food or women. In fact, all of them sounded poetically fair, like the correction for all the injustice people like the blond and himself had suffered over the years. Gaara’s admiration for Naruto wouldn’t stop growing.

“You already speak like a wise man,” the redhead breathed out, his words muffled by his pillow.

Smiling appreciatively, Naruto carried on, but this time taking Gaara’s hand into his own, another ritual gesture of affection. That rough yet kind hand was the one to rescue him several times, when it punched him, reached out for him, rested on his shoulder or squeezed his, and Gaara liked feeling its contact, even if to just relive all that once more.

During the last part of their conversation, though, the blond informed him of something he was not aware of: right after the Hokage nomination, they would host an official welcome back for Sasuke, even if the Uchiha heir had returned to the Leaf Village over five years before. It was actually something Naruto held as an obligation, the right thing to do to finally end his long-ago promised mission, and Gaara could understand that.

Bringing Sasuke back from wherever he was took a lot of everyone’s effort. With all his determination set in breaking the famous cycle of hatred, Naruto faced him one last time as he was prepared to kill Danzo, and he managed to get through to him, since they now shared an equal pain for the loved ones they lost.

Naruto was able to convince Sasuke not to carry on with the violence of his actions. It was difficult, because the Uchiha heir had never had a real purpose in his life other than to kill his own brother, but the blond was there to assure him that Sasuke wouldn’t be alone anymore, he had people who (surprisingly still) cared for him and weren’t going anywhere, and the Uchiha heir could find his place in this changing world by their side. Everyone else present contributed, helped Naruto in his cause, all those who had been changed.

Gaara, as someone changed and present there at the time, helped as well, sincerely. The redhead had felt firsthand how the blond’s words could change a life, any life, and made perfectly clear to Sasuke that if he hurt him one more time, if he wrongly refused his help, then he’d leave him in such state no one else could help him. If Gaara had had the luck of knowing Naruto for the same time Sasuke did, he wouldn’t have wasted it like that… Maybe Sasuke was surprised to see Gaara so changed, but he was affected by him nonetheless. The Kazekage might have grown kinder but not any less threatening. And he didn’t obey the general order to kill the missing nin, but he didn’t let him escape, he fought him, immobilized him. Gaara had a debt to Naruto, for his life, so if he had the chance to help him with that mission, he would do it at all cost.

Fortunately, unveiling Madara’s plans (and learning that Sasuke had been fooled by him) had definitively helped Sasuke change his opinion, and he ended up fighting willingly by Naruto’s side against the (much) older Uchiha. The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox rose with its full power during that battle, but the younger Sharingan-wielder was there to control it, and together they held enough force to defeat Madara.

Just as fortunately, Sasuke decided to remain in the ruined Leaf Village after that battle, and everyone else (more or less reluctantly) accepted him back, as well as his Team Falcon companions and one of the few remaining members of Akatsuki, his brother’s partner, Kisame Hoshigaki. Danzo suffered his own punishment as well, but through means other than death. Liking the idea of behaving like a human, Sai left his place in the Root division, becoming a regular ANBU.

Throughout the five years since his return, while the others were busy rebuilding the village (even some members from other villages helped, moved by Naruto’s unique methods for peace, including the Kazekage), the last remaining Uchiha took care of his ruined mansion and started his inner journey in search for his main purpose. Not much changed regarding the way Naruto would approach his friend. Having been humbled and proved wrong, Sasuke’s ego took a powerful blow but still remained, so he still would only accept the blond’s help if it held nothing of charity or pity, and the two of them would still (quite often) engage in “healthy” discussions. After all, he was still an Uchiha, and the name came with an associated sense of respect. However, help was there when he sought it (and Sasuke did learn to seek it, after the long process of understanding he needed it), and slowly the wounds were healed. Every once in a while, Sasuke would approach Naruto and ask him if a certain job would suit him, and the blond would give him his honest (and friendly) opinion. So far, nothing seemed to have appealed to the Uchiha enough though…

At least, not on the purpose-searching area. Against all odds and after an experience Neji deemed the most traumatizing of his life (the disadvantages of the Byakugan…), the Uchiha heir surprisingly found a quite intimate (and carnal) relationship with Sai, probably upon realizing that they had the most things in common, including the looks, being those most likely the main reason that brought them together.

All these things aside (and Naruto was now less worried with his friend’s emotional scarring because, well, Sai would be taking care of that from then on), it is when the dust settles after a battle that we look at the ones who have always stood beside us, so while Sasuke was delivered to his fate, Naruto used the remains of the time to thank everyone for their help: brave Hinata, confident Kakashi, dear Sakura and Gaara…

After sorting out his feelings for both Hinata and Sakura as friendship (albeit a strong one, with admiration mixed inside, since it had been developed from a crush), the blond was ready to thank Gaara for his constant support, to which extent, only time could tell… For now, the redhead was his confidant, his mental journal, his most precious advisor. A wonderful friend he never thought he’d have.

Gaara was, in a way, his most precious treasure, the best thing about him. He had helped him almost by accident, but now all the faith and belief he was getting from the Kazekage had been the main reason to keep him going. Gaara was Sasuke, if the latter had heard him from the beginning, Gaara was the guarantee that, after all, Naruto was actually worth something, his effect on people did have a pleasant meaning. If Gaara had truly died, would have Naruto found the hope in himself to bring Sasuke back? The blond shivered just thinking of it… After all, little by little, he did learn to connect to the boy everyone else feared, perhaps much more than what he intended in the beginning… But he had no reason to complain, not at all… Gaara had only brought with him good things, including Sasuke (if we looked past all the stupidity, the hurting and the emo-ing).

Which led us to the present moment…

Right before the two drifted off to sleep, connected by hand, Naruto asked one last curious question.

“Gaara… are you… are you happy that Sasuke is back?”

He noticed the redhead was quite taken by surprise (hell, even he was a bit wondering why he had asked it), but he didn’t take long to respond.

“He would be a fool if he did not return. I would be inconceivably mad if he didn’t. But he is back and therefore you are happy. That makes me happy. So, yes, I am happy that Uchiha is back.”

Naruto took his time processing those words.

“So… you’re happy because I’m happy?”

Gaara nodded.

“I believe you can put it that way, yes.”

“But…” the blond kept thinking the Kazekage didn’t actually answer his question, “… are YOU happy? If you don’t think about me, that is.” Little Naruto knew that not thinking about him was becoming more and more difficult for the redhead.

Obviously, Gaara was even more surprised with that question. Even now, it was very rare for someone to ask about his feelings, so this reply took longer to come. That, and his feelings towards Sasuke were greatly mixed, especially with the blond inside the equation. But it did come.

“I am,” he began, “if you promise you’ll still be my friend.”

At that, Naruto had to look the other in his wide-opened eyes, and it pained him a little to see that, sometimes, hurt and fear of loneliness still swam in their cool ocean, sometimes the successful confident adult still became the abandoned helpless child. But the blond grinned, squeezed the hand entrusted to him once more as he spoke, “Gaara… I will ALWAYS be your friend. Sasuke has nothing to do with that, although I’ll always be his friend too. You are my precious person, my special person. My perfect project. Bastards can’t ruin special. I don’t let them!”

That made the redhead smile uncharacteristically brightly and nod. Uzumaki-promises were the ones he’d always trust with his life.

“Thank you, Naruto. Then, yes, I am truly happy that Uchiha is back, and to have you always as a friend,” was his final, content answer.

One final nod, one final squeeze and slumber eventually took its toll on them.

The right question can unveil a beautiful gem. The right reply to it can forge something so powerful you’ll only notice much longer (but it’s there).

Naruto and Gaara slept with connected hands. They wouldn’t remember their dreams by the morning, but tomorrow a dream would finally come true.


In the morning of the day of an important event, people usually set up alarm clocks, make sure to go to sleep earlier to wake up in time, ask someone to wake them up or, if they have a reasonable biological clock, they can be trusted to wake up naturally. Anyone can make these techniques work.

However, Naruto and Gaara (still sleeping together while the sun slid up over the azure sky) didn’t have an alarm clock set up, had fallen asleep quite late, didn’t have anyone else home and were both devoted heavy-sleepers (the slob and the ex-insomniac): a recipe for failure.

The redhead eventually woke up before his friend, hand slightly askew from the more tanned one’s grasp but still in its haven, and upon realizing the sun was too high for them not to be late, he frantically shook Naruto off his dreamland and into the world of the sourly awaken, a faint trail of drool being his last trace from his unconsciousness. The nomination ceremony was supposed to begin by midday, which left them with very little time to get ready, and formally dressed.

On the verge of panicking, Gaara ushered Naruto to take a shower while he got everything ready, went to fetch the red and white Hokage robes and put his Kazekage ones on (Gaara’s body, being him from the desert, was built to feel less need to bathe, he’d do so after the celebrations). Once the blond was finished, dried off (fluffed up hair thick in every direction, as if Naruto were wearing a golden sheep over his head) and with his usual clothing on, Gaara ordered him to take off his jacket and began teaching him to wear the robes. First, the red thin tunic. Then, the beige belt and long coat. Finally, the long white scarf around the neck and shoulders.

Once that was finished and the two of them were staring at Naruto’s reflection on the mirror, neither of them could avoid a look of astonishment on their faces, then a grin of pure agreement. He was, indeed, his village’s Hokage, the Fourth’s legacy and the promise that it’d be well-succeeded. The clothes suited him perfectly, Gaara had arranged all pieces of clothing to make him look older and, under the burden of all the red and white, no one would doubt he’d have the strength to protect them all at all cost. Only the square hat was missing, but that was the point of the whole ceremony: Tsunade passing the hat onto him.

“Wow. Good morning, Lord Hokage,” was Gaara’s only comment.

And Naruto’s stomach bubbled with excitement at the words.

But there was no time for extra considerations because midday was on them and, if they listened carefully, they could already hear the crowd at the center of the village, awaiting their newest leader.

With that said, the two youngest Kages of all times ran their way to the ceremony, through the empty city streets. However, before they could enter, Naruto stopped Gaara from doing so, putting a hand over his shoulder.

“What is it? We are already late, let’s go!” the redhead reacted, confused.

“Not yet…” was the other’s answer. “If we’re already late, you must arrive with style… Otherwise, people would think it was unplanned and it won’t be cool! This is something I learned from both Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-bastard!”

It was outstanding how Naruto still spoke like a child quite often… Gaara rolled his eyes at that, mentally hitting himself for, even then, trusting his friend’s judgement.

“So, what are you planning to do?” he asked.

“Why of course…” a smug grin, “… entering with style!”

In years to come, neither of them would remember exactly what precisely had been Naruto’s idea of a “stylish entrance” (they would believe it had had something to do with shadow clones and sand, but they wouldn’t be sure…), but they’d remember how it backfired, how the new Hokage tripped over his own robes and feet and entered quite disastrously, attracting everyone’s attention (and laughter) and raising Tsunade’s level of annoyance even more than his late arrival. They’d remember it and laugh, because it wouldn’t have been Naruto’s Hokage nomination ceremony if he hadn’t given it his personal touch, if all guests hadn’t connected through laughter.

However, the Fifth Hokage herself was quick to break up the confusion and to give Naruto a rapid (yet quite efficient) reprehension, while Gaara was joined with his siblings and escorts after over half a day of absence and the rest of the crowd rejoiced at the sight of the blond all suited up and pretty (even if a tad disgruntled with the running and the tripping…), ready to lead them all.

After him being told off, both Naruto and Tsunade stood on the balcony of the Hokage building, and the ceremony began.

The medical shinobi made the nomination official with a long speech regarding her decreasing strength, the “winds of change” and Naruto’s growing capacity, Minato Namikaze’s legacy, a long speech that almost no one heard fully. Gaara, for instance, used the opportunity to analyze the excited blond fully from afar, to make sure his siblings had been fine after he left them, to see who else made the crowd he was inserted in.

Practically the entire village was there. The Kazekage saw the teachers and the other Jonin, Kakashi, Gai and Yamato among them, all of Naruto’s Academy colleagues (his own team there, with Sasuke boringly sipping on a drink while Sai exhibited his ridiculous smile too close to the Uchiha and Sakura stared dreamingly at Naruto) and Lee’s team, Jiraiya, the young boy that had faced Kankurou so long ago and his own Sand shinobi, the most prominent villagers too (Gaara recognized the man from the ramen stand, who had began to tear up) as well as Sasuke’s own companions when he was away. Quite a reunion, a happy one too.

And all of them had their attention more or less diverted from the main event right up till the moment Tsunade stepped aside and Naruto took the spotlight. When that moment arrived, no one dared to look away as the blond spoke a few more words, trembling with anticipation, completely silent, and when he was finally handed the hat, placing it almost religiously over the sheep on his head, the air was flooded with raw, powerful, almost fiery applause, the entire crowd whistling and clapping their hands together as if the manifestation of the will of fire itself was invading them…

In that moment, Gaara saw in everyone, even in the ones who had always mocked Naruto of his dream (Sasuke, Kiba, even Tsunade, once upon a time…), of his efforts, he saw in them the belief and sheer faith, and because of that he couldn’t avoid applauding harder as well. He had no doubt in his heart that an important step had been taken that day, for the world’s rightness, for his own future… Or hadn’t the future been entrusted to the two of them not long ago? He applauded with everyone as Naruto shone like the sun with his smile, the hat being the last piece to make him look perfect and exactly where he was supposed to be, his index and middle fingers rising to the air in a large V of victory.

But of course the ceremony did not end there, and neither did the embarrassing moments. Right after the official ceremony, Naruto returned to the crowd and received all their compliments and congratulations gladly (and rather smugly). The blond came rushing to Gaara to ask him how he had behaved, but many people would cross their way and divert it, and Naruto found himself constantly moving here and there to greet completely unknown people, entangling his robes everywhere (with greater chances to make him slip again) and not getting where he wanted.

Soon, a photographer came and started taking pictures of random people with him. Naruto managed to get one desired one with his entire team (Kakashi, Tenzou, Sai, Sasuke and Sakura sharing the spotlight) and, thankfully, the photographer suggested he should take one with Gaara as well, after all he was the Kazekage. However, as he was motioning to join the redhead for said picture, Naruto did manage to trip over his robes once more, but he this time had a softer landing, right on the Kazekage’s lips, with his own, just when the man with the camera decided to press the magic button.

One magnificent moment to immortalize, indeed, as well as its aftermath, while a beet-red Naruto apologized profoundly to a quite flustered Gaara and his teammates laughed at them in the background, noting that the blond seemed to have some sort of genetic predisposition for such encounters… Nothing too serious though, for the redhead had forgiven him immediately and one more celebration had to be held: Sasuke’s official return.

Naruto was still blushing when he returned to the balcony, a very familiar headband resting on his hand, one that was scratched over the leaf symbol, and the Uchiha did nothing to hide his mocking snickers as he joined him there.

And, to prove just how much their relationship hadn’t changed with the latest years, while Naruto gave Sasuke his headband back with a highly ceremonial handshake, the Sharingan wielder began mocking the new Hokage about his most recent embarrassing experience and the two started exchanging words of a hostile nature. By the end of that highly symbolic and sacred moment, both Naruto and Sasuke managed to connect a fist to the other’s face rather poetically, symmetrically and powerfully, that moment too immortalized by the photographer and profoundly frowned upon by both Sakura and Tsunade, who had to separate the two young men before two more punches were thrown at each other.

However, when no one could see them, Sasuke did admit he was happy that Naruto hadn’t given up on him and the blond confessed he was glad to have his favorite bastard back (the two of them even shared a very awkward, lame and plain disastrous man-hug then), and that would always be, to them, the REAL welcome-Sasuke-back ceremony (with the sore faces and everything).

Like I said: it wouldn’t have been Naruto’s Hokage nomination ceremony if it hadn’t had these small treasures…

By the time all formalities were over (and that did take longer than expected), the real celebrations were ready to begin, over a long, magnificent dinner.

Naruto dragged Gaara away from his siblings and sat him right next to him and his team, reminding him that the friendship deal was for life and for all occasions. From the most important table of the wonderfully filled room, the redhead could see everyone’s joy and his best friend’s well-being, rejoice with that as well. From there, he could even realize that Matsuri had indeed come with his ninja squad and was actually sitting at the furthest table, accompanied by one other shinobi he identified as Shino. The two of them so imperceptible and ignored. It felt… poetic.

When the meals began being served, Gaara had yet another pleasing surprise. The waiter set a gigantic bowl right between him and Naruto that smelled wondrously, and the redhead could immediately identify all the ingredients…

“Naruto…” he breathed out, his contentment too much to contain. “You really didn’t have to…”

“Oh yeah, I did!” was the blond’s reply as he parted his chopsticks and began digging in. “You did all this, you deserve this… And if you leave most of the noodles for me I’ll let you have most of the gizzard… thing.”

Gaara chuckled and followed the other’s movements, prodding the bowl with his own set of chopsticks. Ramen with gizzard. A combination they had thought up during the special mission that made that moment possible and they would prepare in these rare occasions. A combination that pleased the both of them equally.

“You saved my life, Naruto…” Gaara went on, swallowing down a first (and divine) serving from the bowl. “We are far from even…”

“No. If I hadn’t saved your life, if you weren’t in my life, then none of this would have mattered to me… You were very much important for today, Gaara… And I want to thank you for that.”

And the redhead found himself with no reply once again, so he merely went on sharing the bowl of ramen… their ramen…

The rest of the dinner seemed to have passed by too quickly, because not long after, his siblings came to take him, saying that it was already time for them to return home. Gaara knew he had to go, and he was already set out to leave the dinner with the original group, but Naruto stopped him before he took off, wishing to say his goodbyes conveniently (now that he had learned too).

“Did you have fun, Gaara?” he asked.

“More than I would have guessed at the beginning…”

“Oh…” Naruto chuckled, “a-and I’m sorry about the whole kissing thing again… Stupid Kage robes…”

“I understand.”

“Well, at least it was you I kissed and Sasuke I punched. After all, I have punched you and kissed Sasuke before…” And his mouth sometimes still reeked from the traumatizing experience.

A few moments of silence.

“Now we both have the hat, Naruto. Do you remember what that means?”

A huge smile.

“Of course! We’ll be making Granny Chiyo proud from now on! And that means we’ll be seeing each other more often too!”

Gaara mirrored the smile. Finally, the Kage meetings would cease to be dull and full of elders. Of course elders were knowing and wise, but they usually got unbearably boring after the first minutes of meeting.

After the redhead nodded in agreement, the two friends approached for one last hug. But then the Kazekage noticed the purple bruise beginning to spread over Naruto’s cheek and he involuntarily felt his fingers trace it gently.

“You’re still hurt,” Gaara stated the obvious.

The blond let go of the embrace and touched the wound himself, cringing yet managing to giggle. “Yeah… dear Sakura kind of refused to heal both me and Sasuke-bastard as a punishment… I think all went pretty well though…”

The redhead nodded. “It did. You behaved brilliantly. If you take the off moments here and there.” And his fingers left the tanned face.

Naruto was expecting his friend to turn around and leave after that, but, for the last time that night, one more surprise landed on him.

Gaara’s lips were quick to occupy the space his fingers had just left and gently, almost imperceptibly, kiss it, a gesture that quite resembled their own greeting ritual.

“Back in the Sand Village,” the redhead explained, drawing back, “this is the official farewell between male leaders. I am glad we are both finally Kages, Naruto. Farewell but not goodbye.”

And then he turned around and left, leaving a dumbfounded Naruto stroking his cheek with one hand while he waved rather silly at the parting Gaara with the other.

Somehow, it hurt less to see him off that time. Perhaps it was the Kage powers, making him know that he would indeed see him again soon, and neither of them would be dead or endangered. Still, it was hard to be away from that friend, his peculiar ways, his deep yet kind words, his wonderful heart, fruit of such an arduous progress…

Naruto returned to the rest of his dinner happily, the bruise on his cheek hurting considerably less than before…

Naruto misses Gaara

The first of many drabbles. For my Daily Drabble Challenge and my hunger for GaaNaru :P



I miss elegance walking by my side, silence listening to my every word, white holding my hand, silk caressing my cheeks.

I miss cinnamon and incense invading my lungs, dark glasses filled with seawater imprisoning my eyes, vermillion feathers tickling my nose.

I miss the trembling of passionate and perfect skin to bring me safety, the moistness of a curious tongue to make me lose myself from this world, rough whimpers and needy moans to be myself again.

I miss the embrace and the movements so painful with pleasure, perhaps I miss an arm, a leg, my vision or hearing.

I miss my heart's reflection, which is also the piece that completes me and gives meaning to all rest.

I miss you.

You. How can my entire life fit in just three letters...


Once upon a time written anonymously at a meme, I tried to keep it true to my vision and I think I succeeded. Pretty much PWP, but it has all the fluffness I like to keep here when these two are concerned, so it should be enough :)

Gaara wakes up to a very needy Naruto.



Many streams of light slowly slid their way into the room through the silky vermillion curtains, but that came as no surprise to anyone: the morning was no longer a child, and outside the Sand Village was already wide awake.

Of course the same could not be said about the room itself. Everything stood still, relaxed and at peace: the clothes scattered all over the warm floor, the burned out incense resting on a drawer, the thin tired sheets randomly spread over two sleepy connected bodies. The air still carried much of the energy from last night, the lust, the sounds and the movements, the bittersweet scents and the undying excitement, but even that seemed drowned in slumber, like the long breath you take right before you sigh deeply.

However, one single element broke the painting-like environment of the room, when one of the bodies there suddenly gained consciousness and began stirring, then stretching his limbs carefully, since he was still being tenderly held by the other’s creamy arms.

As Naruto felt an also creamy chest rise and fall soundly beneath him, a sleepy grin tugged his lips. The memory of that chest moving much faster in synchrony with his soon flooded his mind, and he suddenly felt the urge to look at him. The blonde lazily set his full weight on his elbows and faced the other man still sleeping, crimson hair chaotically pointing in every direction, dark eyelids dropped over eyes he knew were so beautiful, lips parted just slightly, inviting, seducing.

Without even realizing it, Gaara had always had a special ability to turn Naruto on, even when he was sleeping just like then and had no real control over what he was doing. The blond was infinitely grateful for said ability, especially when it was what made him notice his feelings for the Kazekage not so long ago and embrace them, and allow him to be filled with the happiness that ran through him now, one he never thought he would find in an ex-homicidal like Gaara. But he was not complaining. Not at all.

Smile a bit wider, Naruto couldn’t resist the whim to touch the redhead. Still having his safe white arms draped around his waist, the whiskered shinobi molded a hand against Gaara’s velvety face, relishing in the random reaction he got from that gesture. The other man involuntarily leaned his cheek against the touch and mumbled lowly: a husky, intense sound that would always reverberate inside the blond’s very core, making his heart twinge in raw want, in the sole and pure desire of making that voice sing like that forever.

Naruto has just woken up and was already bewitched. In an area not so far below his bellybutton, something was begging him to do something about it, to convince that sorcerer of lust beneath him to have some mercy and release him, but ironically the only way of release he could think of would involve him trapped inside Gaara, and he was very much willing to try that.

The blond had to awaken his lover, at the same time he had to make his intentions clear. And he knew just the perfect way of doing it.

Drawing his hand away from the inviting (and now blushing) skin, Naruto stirred again, this time slowly sliding his body down, leaving the other’s arms haven, among the rustling of the sheets, until his face was level with Gaara’s naked waist. The redhead was (surprisingly) still asleep, which is in a way logical, since he still had to recover from fifteen years of insomnia, and the blond was now faced with a part of Gaara’s body that no one would ever the pleasure to fully appreciate but him, but that was not exactly what he was aiming for at the time. No, Naruto exerted just enough force to flip his lover’s body slightly and gently over, presenting an equally pleasant view to him, of his cute, lovely butt. The pale skin there was already dotted red in several spots, where Naruto found pleasure in taking in the exotic flavor embedded there and Gaara found pleasure in both Naruto’s pleasure and movements, and the blond left moist kisses on the small twin dips at the base of the redhead’s back, before focusing on his main target.

Slowly, with the same rhythm he had used to move so far, Naruto gladly nuzzled his way into Gaara’s soft bottom, then sliding a lazy tongue all over the spot there that made the redhead’s toes curl in satisfaction and his throat sing those beautiful moans louder, therefore deepening the blond’s arousal. The Leaf shinobi went on with this process, his movements increasing in creativity, until the slender body under his ministrations began stirring as well, and the foreseen consequences mentioned before began coming true, and Gaara was finally awake.

Naruto pressed one more wet kiss against that abused spot.

“Good morning, Gaara,” were his sole words, before resuming his devoted task.

The redhead, already used to wake up to this kind of affection, merely turned his head back to face his lover, and the vision of that golden aura alone, just moving as if in slow motion and lavishing him with tender attention, was enough for his arousal to start, ache and grow rapidly, making his voice a mixture of laziness and sheer lust as he carefully stretched and replied, “Oh, good morning, Naruto…” He didn’t need to say how much he thanked him for wanting him so much… He didn’t. They both already knew that, and that beautiful understanding was what made them special ever since the beginning. And that particular interaction pleased him more than he could explain…

Inwardly grinning, the blond carried on, an easier job when Gaara was already awake and he could act accordingly to his lovely and informative reactions. The Kazekage didn’t protest or fight him, but he didn’t just lay there either. As Naruto followed the rhythm of the other’s moaning, his mouth diligently moved from his entrance to the fleshy sacks that rested in anticipation against the soft mattress, then progressively to Gaara’s now fully erect manhood (a reflection of his own), while the redhead managed to put away the cover straining their motions and moved closer to his lover, turned to face him the best he could, lean but strong fingers tangling in golden locks, inciting their head to go further.

When Naruto had moved his tongue all over the length of Gaara’s erection, his lips closed over the tip, taking it slightly in and carefully stroking it, sending the redhead’s sensorial receptors (and transmitters) overboard. Only then did he venture a glance at the Kazekage’s completely ineffable, surrendered expression, bright smirks playing in his impish blue eyes. The blond held onto that smooth, slow rhythm for some more time, furthering the contact with each time, right before all of what Gaara did could begin to take its toll on him too and he decided they were both more than ready for something more…

Naruto kissed the redhead’s erection one last time before he crawled back to his original position, his flared up body feeling just like a second skin over Gaara’s equally sensitive one, their gazes now meeting directly. As the blond approached him, the paler man progressively moved to adapt to him, lithe legs surrounding a sculpt waist and wrapping around a warm torso, tempting bottom molding against longing hips, thin arms and hands resting against vermillion feathers, dry lips melting with already reddened ones while Gaara’s curious tongue retrieved Naruto’s from its hideout and worked to worship it thoroughly.

Throughout the passionate kiss, one of Naruto’s arms circled tightly around the redhead’s hips, giving him support to maintain that difficult position, while his opposite hand grabbed hold of his own expectant member, then carefully and slowly sliding it inside the Kazekage. Gaara responded to the intrusion with a long gasp to the blond’s lips and then with a loud, overwhelmingly sensual moan when his lover was immediately able to hit his prostate, while Naruto found himself just groaning too, stimulated by the redhead’s intense reactions, by his gripping, scorching and temporarily trembling inside.

Before Naruto could do anything else, Gaara finished recovering from that first and strong impact, and he was then whispering, a thin finger caressing a whisker, “You know, we are really lucky that neither one of my siblings bring me breakfast to my room… I’m sure they’d find ALL of this profoundly inappropriate… not to mention scarring…”

The blond just smirked and picked up a starting pace, as tender and slow as all his actions so far, allowing them to take in every change of emotion and absorb every flick of pleasure, listen to every lustful sound, stare at each other stripped off every thought and merely move, merge in perfect coordination.

“And I’m sure…” Naruto replied, his voice all husky, “… that you wouldn’t give a shit… if that happened…” he added with a chuckle.

And the redhead chuckled as well, in between two particularly desperate moans.

Oh, the blond was right… How could Gaara ever mind any kind of reprehension when everything from the beginning was thought so wrong by everyone but couldn’t feel righter than this? People were strange, they really were. And they spent all their time convincing him and Naruto that THEY were the strange ones when they were the ones unable to understand…

But he couldn’t think more about that now. His focus was unavoidably on the sapphires above him drowning him with love, the flesh inside him filling him with pleasure, all that beautiful, golden soul completely devoted to him.

And he couldn’t help but have all of him react to that wonderful devotion too.

He hadn’t noticed how their rhythm had become so intense over the span of those few moments, but he didn’t complain, he merely adapted and thanked it. Naruto was hitting his prostate with each passionate movement he made and Gaara just leaned to meet him every time, rocked his hips forward to give him as much pleasure as he was receiving, let out all those loud moans forming in the pit of his throat to bless the blond with his music, cradled all the skin of his sweaty whiskered face with feathery caresses to tell him he’d never let go, let all kinds of emotions drift to the pale green of his eyes to assure him his affections forever.

When they were like that, there was no extraordinary effort for communication, there were no obstacles, there was nothing. If they could, they’d keep that up forever, the loving rhythm and all that came with it, they had grown that fond of it.

On the final moments of their lovemaking, Naruto couldn’t help but hold the redhead closer and moan more erratically into his creamy skin, Gaara was unavoidably kept in a constant overflow of raw sensations and became lust itself, and he transformed into the white hot pleasure of his own orgasm as the two of them came together, white hot liquid filling the Kazekage and covering the spent skin of the Hokage.

Gaara let the tiredness wash over him but he did not move in the least, comfortable as he was in his entanglement with Naruto. The blond himself was busy licking the fluids his lover presented to him off his body, to the redhead’s noticeable satisfaction.

Naruto then placed a hand over Gaara’s chest and heard his heart beating faster there, alive and gorgeous. The Sand Village was wide awake outside, but so were him and his lover. And what an awakening it was…

The last thing the Leaf shinobi did before reluctantly separating and getting up was to place one last thorough kiss in the Kazekage’s completely parted lips, still feeling the threats of a new arousal as that new image of Gaara, drained and flushed, invaded all his senses.

But it was enough for that time…

Though people didn’t matter, the way they behaved did seem to matter, and a wide awaken village needed its leader, its well behaved leader.

Both of them finally took a shower and washed away all the others could not understand and put on their masks for the outside world, moving and alert, unlike their lazy and unworried room.

The village was awake and they were awake too.

At night, dreams would come true again…

Innocent Parties? Yeah right...

The ANBU parties, one of the most important invented elements of the MEOH series, was thought up by my sister, but she allowed me to put it in action in a different story.

This is an oneshot that serves as a study for just that (completely unrelated to the series) and Gaara and Naruto even get together here :P

Have fun!



Naruto was practically jumping up and down on the same spot, excitement pumping into him in time with his feet. The sun slowly plunging into the horizon was proof of it, it was almost time for Gaara to arrive.

Three days before, the blond had been called into Tsunade’s office to receive a message, one warning about the Kazekage’s visit. His small mind immediately filled with joy and plans about activities he and his best friend could do together, which made the Fifth Hokage almost regret giving Naruto the information. She knew that the two ex-demon hosts had developed their relationship deeply throughout the time the Sand ninja stayed at Leaf to help rebuild it (Pain’s invasion left severe marks on the cheerful village) and afterwards, when they were sent together in some missions (the presence of the Kage was needed when these missions were about assuring peace maintenance), so she was sure the whiskered young man would love to know about Gaara’s arrival, but the headache now trickling over her forehead warned her that she had just released a part of Naruto that was better off sealed… The oblivious giggling blond, however, did not notice his leader’s displeasure and just left the building rather smugly, spending the next three days putting his plans into action.

Now, as the moment was coming, Naruto could not avoid a smile. Kotetsu and Izumo, who lazily sat back on the chairs of their guard post, were studying the blond’s behavior rather attentively, trying to figure out what was making the already excited shinobi even more hyper. But they did not dare to ask. They knew the young man enough to know about his loudness.

And while he spent these last minutes, Naruto revised the plans for the day in his head. Gaara had said he would only be able to stay for three days (Kages have many important chores to take care of and, since Temari and Kankurou were travelling with him, leaving the Hidden Sand Village just under Baki’s care for longer was too much, even for the left-side-covered ninja). That meant they would have the current day for relaxing, and the next two days to show Gaara the new (and surely entertaining) shops and hanging-out spots. Naruto was happy to have witnessed (and intervened in it too) the progressive evolution of an anti-social and extremely secretive Gaara into a shy yet quite appealing and agreeable one, and he just wanted to see his behavior when they visited the new - what was its name again? – oh, pizzeria thing, for the first time. Sasuke told him (well, it was more Sai who did it, since the former wasn’t still too keen on sharing his interests with the blond) that his trip there with his boyfriend had been quite pleasant and Naruto just hoped it wasn’t all because of the tomato used on the many types of sauce. Besides, his stomach had been yelling for food other than the usual ramen for quite a while now…

But his trail of thoughts halted (as well as his feet) when the person he expected came into view, the bright hair almost indistinguishable from the setting sun, followed by two more people, both taller than him. Not that Naruto could make fun of Gaara’s height, it wasn’t like he was any taller.

Temari and Kankurou were the first to cross the gigantic gates to greet the awaiting blond, and the redhead followed right after, stopping between his siblings. Inaudible to the rest of the group, Kotetsu and Izumo let out a small realization sound. So that was why Naruto had been so glad…

Gaara smiled slightly as he dropped a small suitcase to the ground and kindly embraced his friend, the type of hug he was already used to give to him and that felt rather pleasant in his heart and arms. Naruto chuckled. The Kazekage was getting really good at those.

During that time, the other two sand siblings, always slightly surprised at their little brother’s affectionate behavior, presented their apologies and went on. They too had precious people to meet. Although they were a different kind of precious.

After a few seconds, both parted slightly and the blond bluntly pushed a trail of red locks of hair away from Gaara’s forehead and set his lips gently on it, not kissing it, just leaving them there until the warmth coming from the other’s skin was satisfactory and he hummed in approval, then letting go of the embrace. Ever since the day Gaara died, this had been their ritual of sorts. Naruto would always want to check the redhead’s temperature, terrified of ever feeling him cold and lifeless again.

A beaming Gaara was now facing him and Naruto finally spoke up, “I thought you’d never come, ‘ttebayo!” he pointed at the now darkening sky, “You’re late!”

“Well, a very good evening to you too, Naruto,” the Sand shinobi merely replied. “And I’m the one who has conversation classes with you.”

Yeah, new hugging abilities and a sense of humor.

“Oh, you know what I mean…”

“I know.”

Naruto giggled and grabbed the fallen suitcase, afterwards walking with Gaara towards the center of the village. Both Kotetsu and Izumo bowed slightly at the Kazekage, who answered the greeting with a smile.

In talking silence (the kind of silence that never feels awkward and actually sounds clearer than words), the two young men arrived at Naruto’s house, the small building Gaara had accepted as his own home as well. The Leaf ninja smirked as he saw his friend enter the house even before himself and lounge comfortably on the couch, a sudden sigh of relief leaving his pale face. He must be tired from the trip. Naruto sat down beside him, playfully throwing the suitcase he was still holding back at its owner, and informed, “I’ve put a mattress on the roof now. That way we can wake up without that annoying-as-hell pain in our backs if we fall asleep there.”

Gaara chuckled, grabbing the suitcase just in time. They did spend too much time on the roof of Naruto’s house, just talking about all things new that happened to them as the village moved in front of them. A huge blanket was usually their only companion when they fell asleep there (and that occurred most of the time). There was something very soothing in the company of the other that left both Naruto and Gaara extremely receptive to that state of relaxation.

“I appreciate that, Naruto,” came the redhead’s voice. “And I guess that’s where we’ll be spending the night?”

“Of course!” the blond replied, “Then I can tell you everything that’s happened here and how I managed NOT to mess up in an important mission without Sakura or Sai’s help and…”

But Gaara never got the chance to find out whatever more Naruto had to share with him because a loud, angry and repetitive noise banged from near the entrance door, cutting his speech off. Reluctantly, the annoyed ninja got up and grumbled his way to said noise, opening the door with the most unwelcoming glare his mind could come up with. Naruto even grimaced when a pair of severe hazel eyes returned the cold look, and a slender, feminine neck stretched up to peep at his living room, finding the redhead still lounging there, on the couch.

“As I thought, the Kazekage is here...” Tsunade stated, promptly scooping the young man in front of her out of her way and stepping inside his house. Gaara turned his head to the door when he heard his post being mentioned and Naruto began protesting when his authority was slapped in the face in his own natural habitat.

“Grandma Tsunade, what the hell, ‘ttebayo? Do you mind, I was having a very nice conversation with Gaara befo...”

But once again his speech was cut off when the Fifth Hokage spoke up, with the full power of her voice.

“Gaara, I know I told you that you could spend all your time here with the brat, but it seems we have a small problem...”

Gaara’s hairless eyebrows arched in worry at the woman’s statement, but she was quick to shake it off.

“It’s nothing serious... In fact, it’s something rather annoying... To make a long story short, Jiraiya has been pestering me about resuscitating the ANBU parties” at those two words, Naruto let out a loud gasp, “and I have been always refusing. But, apparently, the jerk cannot take no for an answer and has decided to invite ALL other Kages here today, without my consent, with the promise that I will indeed reopen those parties... And I now I have to do so, or else I’ll have a dangerous quarrel in hands. The leaders love this kind of parties, it seems...”

Gaara was confused. Naruto was still gasping at the news, apparently extremely excited about the whole event, but the redhead couldn’t understand why... He did not know what the ANBU parties were.

Again, Tsunade seemed to have read his mind, for she went on, “The ANBU parties were famous during the Second Hokage’s rule. He created them as a way to promote... physical contact between ANBUs, because since they were usually so busy with missions, they seldom had the chance to meet someone with whom they could build a family together in the future.” Her words were careful and she thought before speaking, as if that were a very embarrassing subject to discuss. “The solution was the ANBU parties, where that contact was brought to the extreme,” she explained.

“The extreme?” Gaara asked.

But this time it was an ecstatic Naruto to answer him, “Yeah! I’ve heard stories of them! There was mad dancing, and wild making out, and...”

“Let’s just say...” the Fifth Hokage interrupted, “... that the environment was so inappropriate that eventually those parties were cancelled. Until now, since Jiraiya so kindly made me reopen them again... But he’ll see, when I get my hands on him!”

“Oh,” it was Gaara’s only reply. Now he could more or less imagine why his best friend was so excited (and why he was not) about the party. “So, that means I’ll have to attend to it?” There was a rather annoyed tone in his voice.

The blond woman rubbed her forehead with a hand. “I dislike this situation as much as you do, but yes, you have to go. Especially since, and this is a promise!, I will never do this again.”

With this information and after taking a glance at a very eager Naruto, the Kazekage went on, “Well, then I’m taking Naruto with me.” The whiskered young man’s eyes sparkled at that.

“Yes, Grandma Tsunade! Please let me go too, ‘ttebayo!!” he almost squealed.

Tsunade frowned as she replied loudly, “Absolutely not! Only ninja ranking Jounin or higher can attend to the party and, as you very well remember, Naruto, you are STILL only Genin!”

And while the blond folded his arms over his chest and puckered his lips in an obstinate pout, Gaara spoke up, “But, Lady Tsunade, we were supposed to spend this day together, and Naruto is as capable as any other Jounin, surely we...”

“I don’t care, those are the rules, and that’s your problem! I already have a ton of issues to worry about! Gaara, just make sure you go to the party and you...” an angry finger glared at Naruto, “make sure to stay out of the way!”

And, with that last warning, the Fire Country’s leader turned around and left as quickly as she had arrived.

When his Hokage was at a safe distance, Naruto let out a disappointed sigh and confessed, “Aww, I was really looking forward to go, you know? Jiraiya spoke so much about the ANBU parties while we trained, and he even managed to bring them back! And you’ll be there too! How am I going to miss it, ‘ttebayo?!”

The Kazekage watched his best friend speak with an apprehensive look. It felt a bit weird in his chest to see him that depressed, especially knowing he could do something to erase it. And Gaara knew that he would do anything to see that sparkle again upon the blond’s cerulean eyes, even entering the devil’s lair the party seemed to be.

“You’re not going to miss it,” the redhead merely stated. “I have a plan.”


From the outside, the building where the ANBU parties took place (in the past and that time too) looked sober, serious and almost dictatorial, as if a general had thrown up orders and his whole list of principles all over it. There were no windows and there was just one door, guarded by two impressive (both in appearance and aura of chakra) shinobi. No sound could be heard and people could never guess such a famous wild fest was enclosed within its walls.

Maybe that was why Gaara felt all too insecure as he walked towards the guards, like he had been ordered to. However, something was different about his looks and behavior: every two steps he would give an awkward jump and, if people paid close attention to his profile, a bizarre lump marked its presence over his stomach.

Still the redhead went on as if everything was normal and, when the guards noticed him and looked him over, the only thing they said was, “Good evening, Lord Kazekage. You seem to have put on some weight.”

A surge of low giggles erupted from the swollen stomach, but a disgruntled Gaara was quick to pat it rather harshly, making it stop.

“Huh, oh, I understand that’s true...” he embarrassedly replied. “You see, working in an office all the time, and I have this weakness for cookies... You can do the math...”

But before the guards could too give a reply, the giggling in Gaara’s stomach transformed into something louder and more similar to snorting, and so the young leader had to save himself with, “I-I’m so sorry! The last batch of cookies didn’t fall all too well, I must hurry...”

And the guards let him pass with a simple, “Oh, of course! Carry on, Lord Kazekage, it’s at the end of the corridor in the left...”

The redhead nodded and ran past the two shinobi, his pace even more disorientated than before and the snorting worsening with every passing second. He was so focused on getting to the bathroom that he barely noticed the interior of the building, noting only that he had to make a lot of effort to get past all the people crowding, moving in a very peculiar way. After going through a wide room and running across the left corridor mentioned before (there were many doors on both sides of the corridor, their purpose unknown to Gaara), he stepped inside the bathroom, and immediately the lump on his stomach squirmed and made its way from underneath Gaara’s Kazekage robes, taking the shape of a young, blond, blue-eyed man as he emerged. The snorting, however, still remained.

“Gee, Gaara, I didn’t know you had “a weakness for cookies”! You could have come up with a better excuse, ‘ttebayo,” Naruto laughed.

On the other hand, the redhead straightened his clothing and replied with an incisive frown, “I was under pressure, okay? And I am not used to lying. And...” the frown sharpened, “you weren’t supposed to be laughing for the plan to work perfectly!”

The Leaf shinobi slowly regained control of himself. Gaara was just very entertaining to make fun with. “Well, I guess that’s alright,” he finally admitted, with a long smile. “And I really appreciate you for doing this, ‘ttebayo...” he ended, gently squeezing the Kazekage’s arm with a hand.

Upon that last gesture, the redhead’s frown could do nothing more than melt into a somewhat lovely pout and then to a friendly expression. Ultimately glad for having succeeded in bringing his best friend to the party, Gaara gently let go of Naruto’s touch and beckoned him to go outside and see what exactly those ANBU parties were all about.

And, as they exited the bathroom and finally begun taking in their surroundings, a loud, addictive, rhythmic stream of sounds filled their senses, so penetrative and timely that seemed to even make their bodies and the walls around them vibrate. Gaara was both charmed and scared by the music, but Naruto merely beamed as they moved forward.

And, when they arrived at the main, wide room of the building, all the happenings merging there made the formal, somber outside prove to be just a façade, and a very deceiving one.

Gaara immediately made his official opinion of the ANBU parties: pure, raw, paralyzing shock. Tsunade’s description was labeled as the greatest understatement ever made by human kind as the redhead began analyzing everything, in between Naruto’s also outraged gasps, muffled by the booming music.

More than dancing, there were several groups of more than two people literally rubbing against each other in time with the music, being the music (now that Gaara could listen to it clearly) the perfect stereotype of perversion, of eroticism. Just by watching them, the Kazekage could feel his own personal space being invaded, violated and bluntly thrown out of the (inexistent) window.

More than “making out”, as Naruto had so diligently said, couples were devouring each other against any surface their bodies or hands could bump into, completely oblivious to their surroundings as their bodies too slowly merged. That made Gaara slightly dizzy and nauseous, to think about that much proximity, all in one place.

But most of the people there had already discarded more or less significant parts of their own clothing, showering the entire room with shirts, headbands, pants, skirts and even items of a more personal nature, some of the couples (or other numbers followed by the suffix –some) heading towards the corridors the two best friends had just crossed. That gave the redhead a clearer idea of the activities the rooms there hosted, and served as a warning to keep him away from them.

Gaara felt completely intimidated by the environment and, after taking a quick glance at the dumbfounded blond, he assumed Naruto was as well. After a few seconds of trying (mind you, just trying!) to get over the shock, the redhead decided to take it upon himself to drag them both away from the madness.

Naruto and Gaara held hands, because they were afraid to get lost inside that ball of squirming depravation, and they began walking through the crowd, focusing on the building instead of the contents, trying to find some sort of haven for their remaining innocence.

But it all seemed to be in vain. The further they got, the more they found to make them surprised. The flashing, exorbitant, blinding lights hit their eyes directly, the noise prevented them to hear each other, but they eventually got to the opposite wall, just to find the bar, where people were doing the exact same as the ones on the dancing floor, but with the sitting and the drunken factors added to them (just imagine that). They quickly turned away and walked close to the wall, but there were many cushions and chairs aligned to them, where more people carried on with their activities.

Gaara fearfully found his own siblings in the crowd, Kankurou pleasantly probing the mouth of a very satisfied Sakura with his own and Temari making Shikamaru move in a way neither the two young men knew he could. Among many things, he noted that both of the Sand ninja’s companions were only Chuunin and were still there, so Naruto wasn’t the only intruder.

The blond himself found acquaintances of him behaving completely differently to their normal composure. Kakashi was very, very busy taking actions he’d rather not describe on a half-naked Genma, with a very interested Tenzou nearby probably wondering whether he should join them or just keep watching. Neji was the one on the music stereo, playing the DJ, but the look upon Tenten’s face made Naruto sure that the Byakugan carrier’s activities would (very) soon be interrupted. Gai sped right past them followed by one (or was it two?) other shinobi, yelling something about “watering your lotus” and “explosions of youth” as he went. Sasuke and Sai were so entangled in each other that it was difficult to set one apart from the other, which made Naruto believe that it was probably just a test to see how much they were alike (with some disgust, the blond noticed a small jar with a red content on the Uchiha heir’s hand, one he remembered seeing around the pizzeria). Shizune and Anko were happily sharing a lot of dumplings, but in a way that required not much of their own effort but much more of the other’s.

Now in panic, Gaara pulled Naruto away from the terrific scenery and began looking elsewhere, finding that the sinful building had a second floor. The Kazekage narrowed his eyes and saw a set of special five chairs leant against the wall up there, but he soon noticed that those were the Kage chairs, and the leaders were pretty much leading their people in that scenario from there too. Naruto was the one to feel Tsunade’s absence from the red chair of the set (the blue chair was empty too, since Gaara was with him), but even before he could begin wondering where the fearsome kunoichi had gone, he found her, unfortunately.

Clearly drunker beyond anyone’s control, the ruler of the Village Hidden in the Leaves was right in the middle of the dance floor, moving her body not only in synchrony with the music but also with the body she was completely attached to, Jiraiya’s body, drinking from his mouth as if her life depended totally on it. When Tsunade had protested about what the ex-toad sage would see when she got her hands on him before, neither of the two men thought it would be that lustful expression upon her face.

Feeling completely alone inside the mayhem, Naruto and Gaara headed towards the exit as a last resort, but even that option failed them, for a huge group found it a good idea to use that space as a stage to yet another scary joint activity.

The two ex-Jinchuurikki felt at lost as to where to run to now, so they decided to return to the first place they went to: the bathroom. Fortunately, they found it vacant and much quieter than the rest of the place (although the music still sounded rather clearly), so they were both able to sit down exhausted on the floor and lean their backs against the tiled wall.

After a few seconds of just letting all the chaotic emotions subside, Naruto spoke up, his voice a bit scratchy and wheezy, “I-I’m sorry, Gaara... I... I never knew these parties were this... weird... I would never make you get me in here if I had known...”

But the redhead absent-mindedly shook his head, “Don’t worry, Naruto. I’m actually very happy to have you here. I wouldn’t have survived without it.”

The blond chuckled at that last statement and let his head rest upon his best friend’s shoulder, noticing that it somehow helped the most traumatizing images to fade away. The Kazekage himself moved closer to the blond, finding that kind of intimacy tender and soothing, and he did not prevent a feeling of curiosity to creep over him, one that made him wonder if THE OTHER kind of intimacy was as scary as it looked or if it could be as soothing and tender as this one.

Now that the muffled sound of music didn’t bewilder him, Gaara allowed himself to give that curiosity further thought. All the people he had found throughout the building, people that were known for their integrity and good judgment (his own siblings among them), seemed very pleased to be that close to their precious people and, among all the disgust he felt while watching them, the redhead found something that managed to appeal to him too. He imagined whether he would have the same satisfied look if he shared those moments with his own precious person, the blond peacefully (and also a bit absent-mindedly) resting upon his shoulder. Because Gaara knew, for quite a while now, that no one other than Naruto could ever make him want any kind of that sort of intimacy.

On the other hand, Naruto followed a very different line of thought. His mind was wandering somewhere else as well, but dwelling in more depressing grounds. Having seen most of his friends enjoying themselves at that ANBU party made him understand that he was the only one without someone to enjoy it too. Not only the teachers but also the younger ones as well as the other shinobi who weren’t there (like Kiba, Hinata or Lee) had found someone to whom they could bare their soul, and only Naruto was left alone.

All of a sudden, however, one more noise joined the music, a much smoother and lower one, but a noise nonetheless. The Leaf ninja was the only one to notice it and, as he turned his head to the floor, he saw it was Gaara’s left foot the noisemaker, which seemed to be involuntarily tapping the floor according to the beat of the dance music. Naruto found himself grinning widely at the foot, as a strong realization had just hit him.

No, he was never left alone.

He had always had his friends, of course, but even if they ever grew apart from him, the blond was sure that this person would never leave his side.

How could he have forgotten Gaara? Gaara, who lived all his infancy with no one but his inner demon to talk to. Gaara, who accepted him as an equal, even when his only purpose was to kill all humans beside himself. Gaara, who had learned from him, of all people, how to become a better person. Gaara, who held onto the teachings he gave him to defeat the same inner demon. Gaara, who he was so glad to have brought back to life. Gaara, who had helped him bring Sasuke back. Gaara, who wasted no time and became his best friend as soon as possible. Gaara, who put up with everything about him the others would complain about endlessly. Gaara, who would never refuse a favor from him or let him down. Gaara, who remained by his side, even when his favor had been stupid, just like now.


... to whom he now wanted to give at least just a small splinter of all the happiness he had given him all along.

Now grinning even more widely, Naruto spoke, his voice rough from the long silence, “Did you know your foot is dancing?”

The blond felt the redhead suddenly abandon his own dimension of thinking and focusing his jade stare on his moving foot. He looked rather surprised when he replied, “Oh. It is.”

Naruto giggled and went on, “Does that mean YOU want to dance too?”

Gaara tilted his head to the side so he could look at his friend. Had Naruto just read his mind? Upon some reflection, the now softer music was indeed quite inviting. “Maybe...”

At that, the Leaf Genin spoke no more and languidly stood up, then reaching out a rugged, tanned hand for the redhead to hold.

“Let’s go, then...” he merely suggested, the smug, inviting smile upon his lips reflecting the realization that had come to him a bit earlier.

Gaara immediately brought a pale, silky hand closer to the other one in a reflex, but before he did anything else, he asked, “B-back there?”

But Naruto shook his head, the hand unmoving. “No. We stay here. At least no one can see us and we can’t see anybody.”

The Kazekage was pleased with the other’s logic and nodded, trustfully grabbing hold of the tanned hand and pulling himself up. But when both were standing, they remained absolutely still.

“I...” Gaara began, “I can’t really dance like them. I only know those boring ballroom dances...”

Naruto merely giggled, holding the Sand ninja’s right hand with his left one and placing the other hand on Gaara’s left shoulder, where his head had rested before. “It’s okay, we can start with those.”

The redhead nodded with a kind smile and set his free hand just above Naruto’s right hipbone. And, after seeing that everything was ready, the two best friends began dancing.

The rhythm of the music was quick and that particular dance was meant for slower tunes, but the two of them clumsily managed to make it work. As time went by, however, less and less effort was needed for things to run smoothly, because Naruto quickly infused the Kazekage with his rather large repertoire of more lively dance moves and Gaara was quite receptive to them, and a fast learner, and their dance soon became something both elegant and alive, tender and fierce. Soon enough, the redhead was moving his arms in a way quite similar to his sand jutsu moves, his hips were rocking gently in time with the blond’s and a long, warm, pleasant feeling pushed the corners of his lips up in a genuine, beautiful smile. Naruto had never seen the Wind Country’s ruler behave (or smile) quite like that, and his happiness doubled every time Gaara let out an amused chuckle, making him laugh out loud.

After their dance received that wilder edge, however, Naruto began wanting from the depths of his heart to move closer, to approach that other beautiful body, to carry on with their explorations of intimacy. And the redhead gleefully complied, not turning their movements into something like the ones who danced outside, but into something deeper, more intense, more meaningful.

And, before the two of them could notice, their faces were drifting millimeters away from each other, green and blue pools of fire and wide, gorgeous smiles of affection moving in unison, making it all too easy for Gaara to bring both his long, lean hands to Naruto’s cheeks, right below his whiskers, and close the distance between them, kindly brushing the skin of his lips over Naruto’s. It was the blond, however, who tentatively merged their mouths further and transformed that shy close contact into their very first kiss, wrapping his arms around the Kazekage’s waist as he felt his entire body shiver in both cold and heat, his mind spin in both confusion and sheer certainty, his heart falter in both feeling and passion.

It probably wasn’t the most beautiful and well-executed kiss the two shared, but it had been their first one, the one that opened the door to so many possibilities beyond it. It was also the one that made all the shyness fade away, the one that renewed and strengthened Naruto’s desire to make Gaara happy that night. The one that allowed the two of them to take an important step forward.

Naruto realized, right after that first kiss began, that his desire and willingness to be that intimate with Gaara gave Gaara the wings his curiosity needed to soar over new skies, to let the redhead show just how much he cherished him and wanted to give him pleasure. The first kiss eventually evolved into a second, a third and a fourth one and the blond found himself melting, surrendering to the Kazekage’s care and ministrations.

Gaara couldn’t believe that the Leaf shinobi had taken that initiative, but he would not let it go to waste, and he was definitively going to prove to Naruto that he could be all he ever wanted and, most importantly, needed.

As their hands moved to bring them closer, to run over the areas of the others’ bodies that still needed exploration, care and attention, their heads had also arranged a movement on their own, allowing them to deepen the kiss and add more important elements to it. Naruto lavished as he tasted Gaara’s tongue and was reminded of exotic worlds with overwhelming erotic environments, Gaara inwardly chanted in complete bliss as his starving skin practically trembled under Naruto’s warm hands, snaking beneath the Kazekage’s attire.

At one point, a strong, stinging, painful desire welled up where their stomachs were supposed to be and urged them to do something – anything – to make their contact so close that all that desire could do was melt into pleasure inside them, and wash over them, and swallow them completely.

Naruto half-opened his eyes just to relish at the priceless glow upon Gaara’s jade orbs and, being obliged to pull apart to catch his so much needed breath, he drew lines with his lips upon the redhead’s nose, cheek, chin and neck. Feeling each gentle touch as if it were the first one, the Kazekage spoke in a rough, erratic voice, begging more than asking, “N-Naruto... can we... can we please go somewhere else? I want... I want this to be... just us...”

The blond, having halted the kissing to Gaara’s slight displeasure, merely closed his embrace around the other one and replied, “Take us home... Use your sand...”

Gaara felt a bit stupid for not having remembered that detail earlier, but he was quick to obey and transport them both to the bedroom he knew so well, inside a whirlpool of sand.

The two men saw the cold, tiled walls of their surroundings turn into the welcoming and soft walls of Naruto’s bedroom, and they landed painlessly on the blond’s bed, the blond himself laying down comfortably on his back while the redhead crawled to eagerly reestablish their proximity, right on top of Naruto.

Now that the pressure, the music and the loud rhythm were so far away, all that was left was the well of emotions still begging to be broken down, and two shinobi ready and willing to comply with it, taking their time doing so.

Among renewed kissing and touching, soon clothing began being gently taken away, leaving whole new body parts exposed to caring eyes and hands, making the ache in their stomachs sharper. As Gaara ran his thin fingers all over Naruto’s toned, sun-blessed torso, he whispered a soft, “You’re so beautiful...” to him, which made Naruto himself wash all of Gaara’s creamy skin with hungry kisses, the tingling from the blond’s own “No, YOU are beautiful...” whimpers ripping low, needy moans from the redhead’s lips.

As time went by, more of their bodies was gradually revealed to their lovers and explored and cherished by them, and both discovered the sweetness of being all over each other, in a different, much more endearing dancing rhythm.

And, as even more time went by and there was no longer any fabric-made items preventing their bodies from merging completely, Gaara took upon himself the challenging task of pouring all the pleasure he could come up with all over Naruto’s senses, of always keep reminding him that he would never be alone or forsaken, of bringing them so close to the brink that the slightest shiver sent them overboard, a thing that happened over and over and over again all throughout the unique night, both under Gaara’s and Naruto’s supervision.

Naruto found out that there was nothing more arousing than hearing his name in Gaara’s voice right before their plunge into the abyss of pleasure, Gaara discovered that nothing could ever make his heart twitch and falter quite like the long, thorough kisses Naruto laboriously laid all over his flawless abdomen.

All in all, it was a night of discovery, growth and evolution.

A night about finding out what their bond was truly meant to be.


Again, the thing that interrupted the two shinobi’s connection on the next morning was an angry, loud array of bangs on the door.

Naruto half-woke up (since he was already half-awake) to that noise, and found his uncovered body wrapped in two very lean, smooth and white arms before he could remember how to react to a knock on the door. Then, he reluctantly left that sweet, sweet haven, but not without pressing gentle kisses to two dark and sleepy eyelids, not even bothering to cover the comfortable nudity of his body before he headed to the door.

Again, the Fifth Hokage’s furious glare was awaiting him when the blond opened the door, but that time Naruto’s only reply was the completely satisfied look upon his face.

Tsunade, so less inclined to give him such a pleasant greeting (and Naruto could see that all the alcohol she had last night was surely affecting her), immediately noticed the Genin’s attire (or lack of it), and found her worse nightmares come true in front of her.

“I can’t believe it, Naruto!” she exploded. “I can’t believe you actually did something so stupid!”

But the blond, still in blissful silence, merely turned around from the door, giving his leader a very good view of his rather interesting bottom, and headed towards the room he came from.

Which was quite a good idea, because immediately a desperate, “Naruto...?” could be heard from there, in a voice the blond had had the pleasure to hear playing the most beautiful notes all over the previous night.

The female Hokage immediately followed after the blond to continue her lecture, and entered his bedroom just in time to see him re-enter his bed and resettle himself amidst the protective arms of the Kazekage, who seemed now fully satisfied with the whiskered man’s return.

“It’s okay, Gaara... I’m back. It was just Grandma Tsunade...” Naruto explained, returning to his state of half-sleep.

At this, a very overwhelmed Tsunade watched the redhead’s oh-so-gentle look turn to her, greet her with a smile and a, “Good morning, Lady Tsunade. What can we do for you today?”

She did not know what to reply at first, but then her initial purposes rang in her head and she carried on, “Well, first of all you can explain me how THIS has happened! It was a lack of responsibility to leave the party just like that and I will have to explain why one of MY Genin was attending to it and why I let him SPEND THE NIGHT with the Kazekage and not with them!”

Her brilliant speech fell on deaf ears, though, for the two young men were too focused making the other comfortable in each other’s embrace to care about the anger in Tsunade’s words. Angry Kages seemed like the least important problem in the world to them. But the Fifth Hokage wasn’t letting them get away with it.

“So?” she insisted. “What kind of random madness made you do this?”

Gaara, reopening his eyes, felt the urge to ask the older woman about her “little adventure” with the perverted toad sage, but decided against it as he replied, running a hand over Naruto’s golden locks, “It was not random madness, Naruto. I have been in love with you for some time now.”

And the smiling blond, molding his hands into the redhead’s bubbly cheeks, added, “And I realized I loved you too, Gaara.”

So, finally understanding that the two young men weren’t going to take her warnings seriously (and Tsunade herself slightly flailing at the adorableness of the whole situation), the Fifth Hokage let out an impatient sigh and impulsively left the room with no further speeches. The last thing she heard before leaving the house was Naruto saying, “Don’t forget to shut the door after you go, Grandma Tsunade, ‘ttebayo!” and she slammed said door right on his cheerful tone, knowing now that she would nominate Naruto the next Hokage very, very soon just to see how he would deal with his own mess...

As for Gaara and Naruto, the rest of their three days together went according to the blond’s initial plan with certain delicious details added, especially when talking about their visit to the pizzeria and the Sasuke/Sai-inspired whole new uses they could come up for the tomato sauce.